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720 jeux Super Nintendo pour 9999$ !


Un collectionneur fou de jeux Super Nintendo NTSC vend la totalité de sa collection sur eBay pour la somme de 9999$… Il y a la dedans…

Un collectionneur fou de jeux Super Nintendo NTSC vend la totalité de sa collection sur eBay pour la somme de 9999$…

Il y a la dedans des jeux excessivement rares, comme par exemple Contra III – The Alien Wars ou encore StarFox Super Weekend Challenge

Il y a en tout 720 jeux, tous fonctionnels. Vous trouverez dans la suite le message de l’annonce, et si cela vous interresse, je vous laisse aller sur eBay !

Here is a VERY RARE opportunity. I have collected every licensed NTSC Super Nintendo game. It is now time to sell. Below you will find a detailed description of each game. There are 720 different cartridges in one HUGE lot! I have everything (I used the DigitalPress checklist to confirm)! Rares like Donkey Kong Competition CIB, StarFox Super Weekend Challenge, and Mountain Bike Rally / Speed Racer. Awesome, fun games like Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Mario RPG…… the list goes on and on! Please feel free to make an offer, but I will be automatically declining any lowball offers. Shipping will be FREE through USPS Priority Mail ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD! Please think about this when you are offering as it will cost about $500 to ship in the US and $1000 to ship worldwide. EVERY SINGLE GAME IS TESTED AND WORKING! Thank you for looking and here is the list!!

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