La voici, la voilà, la liste complète des Trophées de Noby Noby Boy, le futur OVNI vidéoludique de Keita Takahashi; Bon par contre, la liste est en Anglais. On ne peut pas tout avoir…
Eat Your Words! : Eat the words NOBY NOBY BOY within the manual or in the staff credits.
765 : Report a length of exactly 765m to GIRL. The Prince : Take the Prince for a ride. Unproportional : Make BOY’s body grow thicker while keeping his head small. Combined Character : Create a combined character by eating an animal and a human or a fruit and a human.
10 : Take 10 inhabitants for a ride. 20 : Eat 20 inhabitants. 100 : Stretch BOY to a length of 100m. Bye-Bye BOY : Meet up with Bye-Bye BOY. The BOY House : Rotate the roof of the BOY House. The Space Squirrel : Find the Space Squirrel. BOY Quiz Expert :Answer all questions correctly in the BOY Quiz.
Gold Trophy
Silver Trophies
Bronze Trophies
via joystiq
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