Une petite mise à jour du titre Xbox Live Arcade est désormais disponible au téléchargement et permet, entre autres, d’utiliser sa guitare pour jouer… Les autres MAJ dans la suite (en anglais). 

Boom Boom Rocket Title Update
- Guitar and dancemat peripheral support.
- Japanese and Korean language support.
- Tweaked scoring system to make grade awarded more fair (now purely based on accuracy).
- The huge loud “noise” which popped up occasionally on endurance mode is now gone.
- Occurrences of scores getting overwritten with a lower score when playing with 2 profiles signed in is now fixed.
- Display updates when viewing the game through a VGA cable.
- Friends leaderboard now shows extra information such as grade, accuracy, etc.
- Multiplayer endurance mode fix for player colours swapping sporadically.
- Slightly bigger and better explosions (updates to firework rendering).
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